Azure Storage - Tables
This module provides the following capabilities:
To have access to the following features, you have to import the module:
PS> Install-Module -Name Arcus.Scripting.Storage.Table
Creating a new table in an Azure Storage Account
(Re)Create a Azure Table Storage within an Azure Storage Account.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
ResourceGroupName | yes | The resource group where the Azure Storage Account is located |
StorageAccountName | yes | The name of the Azure Storage Account to add the table to |
TableName | yes | The name of the table to add on the Azure Storage Account |
Recreate | no | The optional flag to indicate whether or not a possible already existing table should be deleted and re-created |
RetryIntervalSeconds | no | The optional amount of seconds to wait each retry-run when a failure occurs during the re-creating process (default: 5s) |
MaxRetryCount | no | The optional maximum amount of retry-runs should happen when a failure occurs during the re-creating process (default: 10) |
With non-existing table:
PS> Create-AzStorageTable -ResourceGroupName "stock" -StorageAccountName "admin" -TableName "products"
# Azure storage account context has been retrieved
# Azure storage table 'products' does not exist yet in the Azure storage account, so will create one
# Azure storage table 'products' created
With existing table and re-create:
PS> Create-AzStorageTable -ResourceGroupName "stock" -StorageAccountName "admin" -TableName "products" -Recreate -RetryIntervalSeconds 3
# Azure storage account context has been retrieved
# Azure storage table 'products' has been removed
# Failed to re-create the Azure storage table 'products', retrying in 5 seconds...
# Failed to re-create the Azure storage table 'products', retrying in 5 seconds...
# Azure storage table 'products' created